
From Pharmacist to Healthcare Coach with Amy Oliver

About the Episode

Finding control and fulfillment beyond the clinical setting, Amy Oliver highlights her venture into entrepreneurship to bridge the gap between business acumen and healthcare. The conversation also explores workforce dynamics influenced by gender, the critical need for systemic support for healthcare professionals, and the complexities of scope of practice changes. Amy's insights underscore the importance of personal agency in achieving career satisfaction and the urgent systemic reforms needed in the healthcare industry.

Objectives and Discussions

(0:41) Clinical Pharmacy to Business Operation: Transitioning from clinical pharmacy to a role in business operations.

(8:00) Dealing with COVID-19: The impact of COVID-19 on healthcare practices and adjustments made.

(10:06) Starting Amy Oliver & Co.: The origins and motivations behind establishing Amy Oliver & Co.

(15:19) Difference Between Coaching & Counselling: Exploring how coaching differs from counseling in approach and goals.

(22:47) Pressure to Overwork in Healthcare: Discussing the societal and systemic pressures leading to overwork in healthcare professions.

(31:13) Geographical Diversity: The importance of geographical diversity in healthcare education and practice.

(40:10) Improving Healthcare Education: Suggestions for enhancing healthcare education to better prepare future professionals.

(47:04) Resources for Self-Improvement: Amy Oliver provides resources and strategies for self-improvement within the healthcare industry.

More Resources:

Amy Oliver & Co. https://www.amyoliver.ca/

Podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/cherry-live-healthcare

LinkedIn: https://cherryhealth.co/linkedin

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Twitter: @cherryhealthinc

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Canada's Medical Network

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Canada's Medical Network

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Canada's Medical Network

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