
The importance of Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene refers to the practices and habits that can help promote good sleep and ensure you perform your best every day. It is important to note that sleep hygiene is a holistic approach that encompasses both the internal and external factors that can affect your sleep. It is not just about the amount of sleep you get, but also the quality of sleep that matters. Here are NATEIFT’s favorite sleep hygiene practices:

  1. Maintaining a sleep schedule: Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends, is an important aspect of sleep hygiene. It helps regulate your body's internal clock and makes it easier for you to fall asleep and wake up. When you stick to a consistent sleep schedule, your body becomes accustomed to your routine and begins to prepare for sleep at the same time every night. This can improve the quality of your sleep, making you feel more rested and refreshed in the morning.

  2. Creating a comfortable sleep environment: The environment in which you sleep plays a big role in how well you sleep. To create a comfortable sleep environment, you should control the temperature of your bedroom, make sure the room is dark, and use comfortable bedding. A cool, dark, and quiet room can help create a relaxing and soothing atmosphere for sleeping. A comfortable mattress and pillow are also important, as they can help reduce pain and discomfort while you sleep.

  3. Avoiding screens and bright lights: Exposure to bright lights, especially the blue light emitted by screens, can interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep. Melatonin is naturally produced by the body in the evening, and it signals to the body that it's time to sleep. When you're exposed to screens or bright lights, it can suppress the production of melatonin, making it harder to fall asleep. To avoid this, try to avoid screens or bright lights at least two hours before bed.

  4. Building good bedtime habits: Developing good bedtime habits can help prepare your mind and body for sleep. Reading, meditation, or journaling can help clear your mind and prepare you for sleep. Additionally, a warm bath or shower before bed can also help relax the body and prepare it for sleep.

  5. Avoiding caffeine and naps: Caffeine is a stimulant that can make it harder to fall asleep, so it's best to avoid it in the evening. Additionally, taking naps after 12:00 pm can also make it harder to fall asleep at night. By avoiding caffeine and naps in the afternoon, you will be more tired when it's time to go to sleep, and your body will be better prepared for a restful night's sleep.

By following these practices, you can improve the quality of your sleep and reduce the risk of insomnia and other sleep disorders. However, if you have good sleep hygiene and you're still struggling to sleep, I recommend seeking professional help at the Centre for Sleep and Performance in Calgary. With the right guidance and support, you can finally get the restful sleep you deserve.

If you have a good sleep hygiene and you’re still struggling to sleep, I recommend seeking professional help at the Centre for Sleep and

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Nate Ernst

Fitness Coach

Brought to you by health and fitness coach Nathaniel Ernst. For more health and fitness content check out the Down & Dirty Podcast and

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Nate Ernst

Fitness Coach

Brought to you by health and fitness coach Nathaniel Ernst. For more health and fitness content check out the Down & Dirty Podcast and

About the Author

Nate Ernst

Fitness Coach

Brought to you by health and fitness coach Nathaniel Ernst. For more health and fitness content check out the Down & Dirty Podcast and

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Brought to you by health and fitness coach Nathaniel Ernst. For more health and fitness content check out the Down & Dirty Podcast and

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Brought to you by health and fitness coach Nathaniel Ernst. For more health and fitness content check out the Down & Dirty Podcast and

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