Modifiez votre compte, vos préférences professionnelles, vos paramètres de notification et vos plans de facturation si vous êtes abonné à des fonctionnalités payantes.
Afficher les paramètresAu fur et à mesure que vous vous familiariserez avec le fonctionnement du réseau, vous voudrez probablement mettre à jour vos paramètres et préférences pour refléter vos intérêts.
Restez au courant des notifications sur les choses qui vous intéressent et retirez celles qui ne vous intéressent pas. Tous les paramètres de votre compte se trouvent dans un seul emplacement.
Share your organization’s profile with your network of coverage providers. They click the “follow” button to opt in to your notifications.
List a job opening as soon as you’re aware of new dates or coverage requirements.
Every new job opening your organization creates will automatically trigger a push notification to the employees phones and inbox.
Advanced search features help you create lists of prospects likely to fill your open positions.
Send messages and engage directly with healthcare professionals.
Set triggers to alert you when somebody new matches your search criteria.
View a chronological list of conversations you've been a part of and search conversations by name.
Type new messages at the bottom and scroll up to see your entire conversation history. Click the gear icon to view a list of everyone in the conversation if it’s a group message.
In your messaging inbox you’ll also see conversations created from job inquiries. The relevant job will be displayed on the side bar.
Click the pencil icon to start a new message. You can send it to a single person or add multiple people to create a group message. You can also initiate a message when viewing another user’s profile.
You can mute an individual conversation to stop incoming notifications. To do this click the gear icon while viewing a conversation and then select “mute”.
You can move conversations out of your main inbox by viewing a conversation, clicking the gear icon, and then selecting “archive”. To view archived conversations click on the folder icon on your messages inbox.
Fill in the details about what goes on behind the scenes. Every location, business or hospital department can have its own unique page. If you need inspiration, browse the network and see how others are positioning themselves.
A picture is worth 1000 words. Show off your facility in ways text can’t capture.
Fill in the details like your hours, address, contact information and link back to your website.
You’re recruiting on a national stage. Candidates might be moving cities, provinces or even countries. Let them know what to expect and why they should make your region their home!
Every job listed at your organization will appear on this tab. Make sure to catalog all your openings and available positions.
Social proof is a staple of any good advertising campaign. One of the best ways to show prospective candidates that your opportunity is a great choice is to display all your current and happy healthcare professionals. Invite your team to join your organization!
Link multiple organization pages together to cross-pollinate candidates who saw one job but might be interested in another.
Another great metric demonstrating the health of an organization. Grow your following to appear higher in demand.
Modify your title, name, account type and customize your profile’s URL.
Update your job preferences to get more accurate recommendations and notifications from employers. This includes information on the types of jobs you want to see and places you want to work.
Change how you want to be updated on various features, job opportunities and inbound requests.
If you’ve paid for access premium features like Recruiter Tools you’ll see this here. Modify or subscribe to new plans from this page.
If you click on ‘organizations’ from within your account settings you’ll see all the clinic profiles for which you have admin privileges. Click to modify any of your organization's settings.
Upload professional images and profile photos which accurately represent you.
Update your profile with a bio, education, languages spoken, technical skills, clinical interests, work experience, publications, training and certifications
When a job application is submitted a chat message will automatically be created and sent to you. You can find these by opening the “messages” tab at the top of any screen.
To view all the candidates who have applied for a position go to the jobs manager (info here) and select a job. You’ll see a list of names for all open applications.
You can click on and view the profile of any person who has submitted an application. This profile will outline their professional and work history.
When an application is first received its status will be set to ‘uncontacted’. Update this status as they move through your recruiting flow.
It's easier than ever to find what you’re looking for where you want to find it! Choose from the list of map display options to see information like pay, type of work, electronic patient record software and other details about a job displayed dynamically on the map.
Save time when browsing for opportunities. Hover over a job pin to show the preview and view the most important details in a glance.
Adjacent to the map you’ll also see job previews displayed in a list. This list updates whenever you zoom or move the map.
At the top of the jobs manager you’ll see 4 headings across the screen: Draft, Open, Paused & Closed. Find the job you’re looking for in one of these categories.
If you’re posting jobs on behalf of multiple locations, facilities or organizations you can select the one you’re interested in on the left side of the screen to filter out jobs at other locations.
Click on the cog wheel icon on the upper right corner of a job to duplicate it, modify it or change its status to ‘draft’, ‘open’, ‘paused’ or ‘closed’. Only ‘open’ jobs are visible to new candidates.Image
Click on any job to open it up and see how it will appear to candidates. Here you’ll also see any pending job applicants.
After opening a job you’ll see on the left side all users at your organization who are able to edit this job and who are receiving updates and notifications about this job. If you would like to change these permission click on ‘edit hiring team’ to change permission settings.
View job impressions and compare across postings and facilities.
Create and manage jobs across multiple facilities. Easily manage recruiting for organizations with multiple clinics and locations.
Reach your desired specialty/subspecialty and dazzle them with an eye catching headline. Stay organized by attaching unique Job-IDs when recruiting in bulk.
Speak directly to the type of candidates you’re trying to reach by categorizing your jobs as permanent, temporary (locums), or find coverage for individual shifts.
Healthcare jobs often involve part-time work and unique hours. Find candidates even if that means you only need somebody for 6 hours every 2nd Tuesday night.
Appear in searches when physicians and other healthcare professionals seek out jobs with specific roles and responsibilities within their scope of practice.
Compensation can be simple or complex depending on billing structure, overhead costs, rural modifiers and other incentives. Present candidates with clear and transparent insights to make your opportunity appear lucrative.
Every job opportunity is unique in the type of care available to patients. Let practitioners find you based on the different EMRs, softwares and treatment tools available that match their skill sets.
Every practice is organized with different workflows and appointment times. Practitioners specifically seek out jobs that suit their style of higher volumes vs longer durations.
Patients come and patients go. Show practitioners how you’re going to empower them to grow their practice and earn money.
Writing an alluring job description takes time and energy. Let our AI powered software give you some of your time back.
Simply hit the “message” button at the bottom of a job posting to be connected directly to the job’s poster and give them your contact information.
You can click the “message” button to initiate a direct message with the hiring team and have your questions answered.
If you want to see who else works at your place of interest you can click on the organization’s name at the top of any job listing, and then click on “people” which will show you the list. Initiate a message with any of them by clicking on their name to view their profile.
Find any previously initiated conversations by opening the “messages” tab on the main navigation bar.
You can view any outbound job applications by going to the “home” page and then selecting “my inquiries” to see any conversations initiated by sending a message to a job posting.
Most job postings keep things short and sweet to not overwhelm candidates. Cherry Health profiles give employers additional space to capture the vibe and essence of their organization’s culture and personality.
A picture is worth 1000 words. Employers add photos and images to show off their facilities.
You’ll be able to see an organization's operating hours, contact details and links back to their website.
Discover photos and information about the local community, things to do and recreation opportunities.
See who already works at your place of interest and reach out or message them with questions.
View other locations and job opportunities connected with an employer (great for understanding larger and multi-facility organizations).
At the bottom of a job posting click the “save” button to add it to your list.
You can view your list of saved jobs by navigating to the “home” page and then selecting “saved for later”. Alternatively you can find the list by going to the “jobs” page and then clicking “my jobs” and selecting “saved jobs” from the drop down menu.
Sort and find opportunities where the patient demographics and clinical setting match your areas of interest.
Getting paid isn’t always straightforward. Filter jobs based on payment, billing models and overhead costs to earn more money.
Set yourself up for success with a smooth onboarding. Find jobs based on their EMR and patient record softwares.
Do you have specialized knowledge or clinical interests? Filter for the jobs that empower you to practice at your full scope.
Travelling for work? New to Canada? Identify jobs where temporary housing is available or extra support is provided.
Maybe you really enjoy teaching. Now you can highlight the jobs where students rotate through.
If you’re looking for part-time work or want to fill a very specific gap in your regular schedule view jobs that fit your calendar
Find your favourite clinic by typing its name in the top search bar from anywhere on the Cherry Health platform, whether you’re on your browser or mobile app.
The search results will provide you with a list of possible clinics. Simply click on the Follow button to start receiving notifications or explore the clinic in more detail by clicking on its name.
Receive notifications via email, mobile push and within Cherry Health about the latest job opportunities of the clinic you follow. To view who you are following, navigate to the Network tab.
Highlight the opportunities that match your training and credentials.
Short term, long-term, part-time, full-time, days, evenings, weekends, nights and everything in between.
Make sure you know what you’re getting into.
Clinical, non-clinical, surgical, virtual, academic, consulting, in-patient, out-patient, hospital, ER, long-term care, surgical etc. It’s all tagged and waiting for you to find it.
Hourly, salaried, fee-for-service, blended capitation, signing bonuses, travel incentives, rural premiums and employee benefits. Everything is spelled out and transparent.
There's no surprises here.
Licenses, permits and insurance requirements. Don’t waste your time with incompatible opportunities.
Finally… a job where you can put your training with that fancy laser or ultrasound machine to good use.
Some people prefer higher volumes and some prefer longer appointments. Practice in a way that fits your style.
You might be good at marketing and finding your own patients or prefer a turn-key operation where it's done for you. Find clear information on how your practice will be supported.
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur de nouveaux emplois intéressants dans le domaine des voyages, mettez à jour vos préférences professionnelles en indiquant les endroits qui vous intéressent et si vous êtes ouvert ou non à la réinstallation. Vous pouvez préciser si vous êtes à la recherche d'un emploi en milieu rural ou urbain et même jusqu'où vous êtes prêt à vous déplacer et vos attentes salariales. Pour obtenir encore plus de conseils d'emploi entrants, lisez davantage sur les alertes d'emploi.
Si vous êtes l'administrateur d'une organisation, vous serez en mesure de modifier votre type de plan et les informations de facturation via les paramètres du compte. Si vous êtes abonné à un package Outils de recrutement et que vous souhaitez modifier les personnes de votre organisation qui y ont accès, vous pouvez cliquer sur « gérer » dans la section « Forfaits et abonnements » pour ajouter ou supprimer des autorisations. Consultez Paramètres et autorisations d'équipe pour plus d'informations sur la gestion d'une organisation.
Cliquez sur « Mettre à jour le statut » sur la page des paramètres de votre compte pour indiquer ce que vous recherchez. Réglez-le sur « suppléant » si vous êtes intéressé par le travail temporaire, ou définissez-le sur « ouvert au travail » si vous êtes également ouvert à des emplois à long terme. Cela permet à votre compte d'apparaître dans les recherches effectuées par les recruteurs, mais n'apparaît pas sur votre profil visible publiquement pour le reste du réseau ou vos connexions. Une fois que vous n'êtes plus sur le marché du travail, remettez votre statut à « sans objet ». Pour plus d'informations sur les alertes d'emploi, consultez cette page.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit id venenatis pretium risus euismod dictum egestas orci netus feugiat ut egestas ut sagittis tincidunt phasellus elit etiam cursus orci in. Id sed montes.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit id venenatis pretium risus euismod dictum egestas orci netus feugiat ut egestas ut sagittis tincidunt phasellus elit etiam cursus orci in. Id sed montes.
Navigate to your Network tab. You can find it on the navigation bar in your browser and mobile app. From there select the Following subsection.